Thursday, June 14, 2007

Well I'm still sore. Tried to play netball on tuesday, and made it half way through before I just couldnt do it anymore. My knees shook with the pain from my tummy seam.

But my loving mummy-kins said that I should be able to play now alright and that I should be playing so that my seam doesnt get all stiff and all that.

Hrm... believe my pain receptors, or my mum.... hrm that is a tough one, and I dont care who you are, you would be torn in this situation too!

Had Cherry over Sat night with Ghenkis for dinner and drinkies. She brought over her latest creation in Swarkophski crystal (or whatever it is called) IT IS B-E-A -U-tiful! if this doesnt win the Crystal park thing, We will all have the answer that we pretty much already knew... that damn thing is rigged.

Please oh please everyone, go to and vote for Emma Jenkins "Indian Gothic Bridal" (number 39 at the moment, but it does change from day to day, cause they caught on to me just going to that number and voting..... these are some smart crystal people... maybe they have an all knowing crystal ball or something..)

It wont let me vote more than once for anything now, the bastards caught on to me... So I am using the power of suggestion to go forth and multipy the votes.

*Feel my awesome throbbing powers of suggestion*

Apart from that, im poor, i need to buy lots of expensive books for Tafe, and also pay for my Tafe course. and Resign.. oh yes... must remember to do that.... bwahahahahaaaaaa!!!!

Love you all

Love lilly


Rossilady said...

yay, my turn!

blog! blog damn you!

Miss Lilly said...

I did now woman!