Saturday, August 19, 2006

Please stand by...

This is a transmission to Americajay.... Damn yoo's, you are the only reason I started blogging frequently, but yet i see your blog goes untouched....


no.... strike that, I set upon thee with my baby hamster and his BOOM STICK!!!

Thats right... and after he is finished with you, he is going to go and hold Mister Blunty hostage until he fixes the forum and does another blog entry, i dont care if its the lazy video blog, at least it would be something....

sniff* i miss his forum... it was like a buzzy internet filled with html incription home away from real home....

I wont complain about the color anymore... i promise!!!! WAAAAAH~~

im over it now, i have to go and get petrol and then go show some houses, and its cold and rainy, and my nose is runny...

mmm romantic

anyhoo, ok peoples i love you bai bai!

Love Lilly and her boomsticksexual baby hamster who is not named harry, how dare you even imply he is a little bit chubby, and a little bit hairy and ... you know the rest.


(cold and flu meds are fun)

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