Yes... That is exactly what it sounds like....
Im apparently hormonal... so my maw' recons. (insert banjo twanging here)
Im just so angry at the moment - the anger marches through my veins like giant angry nazi penguins... the penguins command me! Do not ignore my veins!
They fills me with firey hot flame retardent fluff, dontcha know?
Not angry at anyone, just really synical, sarcastic, and my meaness scale has broken so I seem to be saying things that are coming across rather hurtful and angry, but I dont notice till its too late. That and the rage makes me wanna hurt things.... stupid things are most at risk
In other words, hormones have made me into a mean angry cow. Its like a superpower but evil.... so in other words I am an angry supervillan cow whom can control angry nazi penguins in rubber radioactive pants.
So if I say/do/murder anything that comes across rather hurtful or ... some may even say.... psychotic... dont blame me, blame the penguins... those little rat bastards...
On another note, I gotsta see mister NATE!!! woot for the mister nate getting off his ass and getting down here!
(blame the penguins)
Im just sorry we didnts get more time to catch up and stuff, that and I STILL HAVENT MET ANGE!!!!WHY IS IT THAT IAN GETS TO MEET HER BEFORE ME?!?!! UNFAIR TO SNAILS!! MY PENGUINS HUNGER FOR BRAINMEATS!!!! FLY MY PRETTIES!!! SEEK OUT THE ONE THEY CALL "NEO" AND DEVOUR HIS EMO ASS.... but keep the boots... me likie the boots... and the glasses.... possibly the coat if it gets cold out....
Someday our paths will cross, and hopefully, it is when my murderous raging ectoplasmic hormones have slimed their way some place else. The last thing i want to do is scare the poor girl and make her rock like an autistic child in a corner...
That is all
Love ya!!