Sunday, June 28, 2009

Nuff said

Just replace 'fluffy' with 'Eski' and its so funny its true

Sunday, June 21, 2009

snuggled down with a nice glass of red

what a lovely end to a busy weekend!

Thanks to Grantus for the B-E-A-U-tiful bottle of red.... its just lovely. Nothing better than snuggled down on the couch in your PJ's with a nice glass, especially when it Fur-Fur-Fur FREEZIN outside!

Very busy weekend. Lots of doggie beachin for Eski, and lots of time spent with my parents old dog mollie (a.k.a Nanna *reference to peter pan books... she really is Nana, i swear!) she is such a good old dog, cant think of anyone better to get my pup socially adjusted to other dogs.

Bought myself a book to make up for the fact that I wanted to go crazy and get my hair done this pay, but just couldnt financially find it feesable since my car died and i had to fork out for a new battery! (yuk!) Bought Bark Busters the guide to dog behaviour and training, cause Eski is like no other dog I have had to train in my life! (being about 2 ive had a hand in training, and 1 I have trained) She is being quite difficult, and Mista just feels like he just isnt getting it with her training and its stressing me out massively! (the dog more than mista! worded that wrong!)
The book is really helpful, and it was hard to choose with all the books available, but this one seems just right, especially with lots of case histories of pups and dogs with the kind of problems they are guiding you how to fix. I am almost halfway through, and its really making sense! apparently my dog is the one out of the litter born to be a pack leader, and is one of the hardest pups to train! lucky us!

We'll stick to it and she'll be right as rain in no time!

Anyhoo mister is pestering me to finish so he can read it, so i will finish up by saying... geez this is a lovely glass of red!

Love you all


Friday, June 19, 2009

Why god gave us muscles....


so if you havent already guessed, im in a bit of pain here today... luckily (or unluckily if you see it that way) its my RDO today so i can slum it at home in pain, but then there is only to dog to bitch too (hahaha i made a pun... didnt realise it till just now) and she doesnt seem to care all that much.

It hurts in my arms, and i couldnt figure out why, since i havent done anything out of the ordinary in my gym routine... and then it came to me.... it was at work in theatre when I had to hold this guys arm up in the air whilst they plastered it from fingers to under arm, and to make matters worse he was under Anasthetic so it was a heavy son of a gun, aaaaaand even worse was the fact that they put plaster on it and that makes it heavy as a lead ballooon... try holding that in the air for the time it takes plaster to set!

on the bright side, I made the surgeon laugh when at about the 10 minute mark stated
"anyone with a broken arm raise their haaaaaannnd....NOW!" I didnt think it was all that funny... inappropriate... but not all that funny... But he thought it was hi-larious. well... it had been a long day.

So push comes to shove... i hurt

Gonna go now, gots lots of things to do (BILLS!!! DAMN BILLS!!! I HATE YOU!) and i might take Eski down to the dog beach... at least one of us will have fun today :P

Cheers big ears

Lots of Love


Thursday, June 18, 2009

We were the losers of a grandfinal of the losers of the top division.... (?)

I know... i dont get it either....

Netball grandfinal tonight.... we lost (wah wah wah...) I dont think any of us could really take it seriously when we as a team have only one 4 out of like 15 games, and yet we made the grand final.....

Did a specky fall... RIGHT ON MY ASS!!! Now my neck and back rather hurt... might have to go see the physio bout my neck... its been giving me grief for a few days now, and it hurties so much i just cant get comfy tonight.... ive even resorted to two panadiene and it hasn't even touched it!

well im gonna cut this short today.... I kinda need to pee ... and ill be damned if im going to be one of those people who take the lap top with them to the bathroom (EW!)

So nighty night people

Love Lilly


Monday, June 15, 2009

Feelin so good, I'm starting a health kick

Thanks yal for all your kind words when i was sickie poo, but im feelin much better now, sept some dizzyness (its very disturbing to turn around and reach for something and find you have over shot the mark by at least half a meter...)

But now im feelin better, and since it is winter and like 5 months away from my 25th, im on a health kick (again!)

Doin well, went to the gym today, and my food wasnt ALL bad... so i guess im off to a pretty good start!

cant wait for my 25th! im gonna start a list of all the crazy things i want to do in my life to LIVE IT! I thought of a good one today, I want to go to europe, and while im in London, i want to take a picture of myself (and mattie!) at every place in monopoly so that we have our own personal monopoly set!

Woooot! got my first thingie!

So im pumped for my fitness! Im pumped for my birthday, and Im just generally pumped!

But this is today, and there is always what tomorow brings, hopefully it wont bring me down!

Love ya all!

Love lilly


Thursday, June 11, 2009

Under the Weather

Feeling unwell today (haha very funny, no its not swine flu, >:P)

My car is dead, so I had to taxi it to the kingston Med center and back, not to meantion the $55 fee for the 5 minutes with the Doctor. At least he was a smart Doctor. He wanted to give me today and tomorow off, but I said I probably wanted to go back to work tomorow, so he wrote me two certs so if im still not well, i can use the second. And he wrote me a script for antibiotics just incase, since we were nearing the weekend and all and so i didnt have to come back if i didnt get better. Smart smart smart.

Still dont like feeling sick. My throat is all icky and my head... it aches.

but my pupper is still cute! While waiting for the taxi to come home, i stopped in at the vet to enquire about their puppy school. Wont it be sweet! my little puppy all growed up.

We are trying to teach her not to bite at the moment, which isnt going so well for Mister. She just looooves him and loves to play (which for her, involves biting) and dadoo mister just doesnt have the heart to disipline her when she does... He's trying though. When we get her enrolled for her obedience training after puppy school, Mister will be the one taking her, so that hopefully, they both learn a thing or two!
Well must get puppermoo in to feed her, hopefully she doesnt bark cause mummy's head hurts!
Love ya all, hope your all feeling better than me!
Love Lilly xoxoxox

Tuesday, June 09, 2009

aaaw back to work

I am tired.... I am sore.... mmmm yep, its the day after the long weekend...

And its been raining non stop for 5 days...

*stares out of window at wet soppy darkness*


Love lilly


Wednesday, June 03, 2009

MY 100th Post!

I cant believe its been 100 posts of .... well... absolutely nothing!

Congrats to me, I'm awesome, yadda yadda yadda. Now on with the news!

Well, Allierufus came and stayed with us on the weekend, cause mum went away to sunny (wet) and warm (humid) Townsville for a bit of snuggle time with my dad as he is away on business for 5 weeks.
We had an awesome time playing wii, watching movies, playing board games, shmearing on chocolate mud masks whilst trying to eat m&m's without tainting it with the muddy mess on our faces.
And on the first day of winter (a rather chilli morning, i might add, we had a super duper frost!) when we opened the curtains to find.... Ducks... (?!?) 2 ducks... we have no lakes, no rivers, no nothing that ducks would be living at.... and they where on our front lawn.
And when i opened the window to take photo's, the little cheeky buggers came running to the window looking for food.

AAAAAnd it wouldnt be a blog post without a cuuuute picture of our puppy-moo!

So anyhoo have to go, dog's a Whinin and wants a hug.... or to chew me, not too sure yet,

Love ya

Lilly x0x0x0