Friday, September 01, 2006

Dont believe what your first impression tells you, cause you shouldn't talk to strangers.

Your first impression may tell you, from first glimpse at my blog, that I do, but dont believe him, i mean, you only just met him... being your first impression and all... i mean, you wouldnt sleep with the guy on your first date would you? or the first drink he buys you? you would at least wait till the third date (or drink, as some of the cases may be)... or at least until he bought you something sparkly and expensive (in the drinks case, a shot of absynth, lit and cinnamon sprinkled over it for that fireworks display all girlies love so much...)

unless you were really really in the mood for no strings attached fling... but then why would you be on a date? you would just be out on the prowl...wandering down dark alleyways looking vunerable....

Anyhoo, love you all i have to man the front office now,

Love and kisses



1 comment:

Miss Lilly said...

flu meds... dont ask...